Look what Summer made me...

it's Warm & CoZy inside!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

WinTer WonDerLand!

How I LoVe the SnoW!! There's just something about a cold snowy day that makes me want to cuddle up on the couch under a big furry blanket with the Fireplace on! And not feel guilty! It's like that's what you're supposed to do on a SnoW DaY, right? and then post the whiTe pictures on your BloG, right? All from the CoZy CouCh...

1 comment:

Unknown said...


You should come visit me here in Stuttgart. We have about a foot of snow on the ground! But, it's also really cold - mid 20's, so were waiting for it to warm up to build a snow man with Nate (his idea). The only bad thing about this snow is that we haven't had a snow day, so there's been no "sofa time." In fact, I need to head to the shower now to get the day started. I'll need extra time to scrape the car off . . . enjoy your couch!