"HayMarket District" Winter BlowOuT SaLe!
It's almost here... this Friday & Saturday!
Feb.5th 10-7, & Saturday Feb.6th 10-5
Should be Lots of Fun. Not only are we having CockTaiL Friday and serving Chocolate Martinis, but we have 3 FabuLouS Military Wives setting up and Selling their AweSoMe StuFF! Celeste already sells her Antique Door knob Corks in the Shoppe, and she's bringing more of her goodies. Victoria is a ReaLLy ArTsy gal who is into making funky jewelry these days. And my very dear friend, Tina, who also is an assistant manager at the Boutique is setting up. She is starting a FunKy ArtGlass Venture on Vintage Windows. She's been hard at work for weeks, so I can't wait to see all her stuff Friday!! Woo~Hoo! I'm sure this is just the beginning...